⚠️Legal Disclaimer

Please note that this site is operated by GTON Capital DAO (a decentralized autonomous organization), and you are solely responsible for compliance with all laws that may apply to you and your use of GTON Capital products. Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies have been the subject of scrutiny by various regulatory bodies across the globe. GTON Capital makes no representation regarding the application to your use of GTON Capital products of any laws, including, without limitation, those related to gaming, options, derivatives, or securities. Depending on the jurisdiction, the use of GTON Capital products may be restricted. You agree that GTON Capital DAO is not responsible for determining whether or which laws may apply to you and your use of GTON Capital products. GTON Capital may restrict the use of its products to citizens and residents of certain jurisdictions. Nothing in our documentation should be considered financial advice or an endorsement to purchase, deal, market, or arrange for dealing in securities.

⚠️ Particular restrictions

Please note that US residents are strictly prohibited from purchasing or staking crypto assets using GTON Capital platform or GTON Capital Ecosystem products (Candy, OGS, Susy). Further, restricted persons should not interact with the GTON Capital website at any time. By interacting with any smart contract on the GTON Capital protocol (including purchases via bonding, staking, withdrawals, approvals), you expressly and unconditionally affirm that you are not a resident of the US.

Last updated